這是小芭樂可愛的英文外師, 兩位老師可以說是戲劇細胞滿滿的老師,

表情、動作、舞蹈、手勢, 都非常的到位, 尤其芭樂媽特別喜歡兩位老師的表情張力,

誇張的表情深得小芭樂的心, 而且表演和活動式的課程更是小芭樂的最愛~ 



芭樂媽帶小芭樂去上「Helen O'Grady 全英語戲劇學院」的英文課~

那邊沒有桌子椅子, 只有好大的一個正方形空間, 有別於傳統的教學模式,

就是翻開課本老師在台上教, 孩子在台下跟著唸, 跟著寫~

芭樂媽感覺是老師不在乎你的孩子是乖還是不乖, 進來就是一個大舞台,

盡情的發揮、盡情的表演, 抓住一個既定的目標, 用各種肢體動作或方式學習英文~

那天小芭樂第一個到, Teacher Mat問說What is your name? 小芭樂回答I am Ernest.

芭樂媽在坐捷運往教室的路上都在教這句, 還好他有記起來, 馬上派上用場~ 哈哈~

Teacher Mat的教學風格很有趣、幽默、活潑, 表情非常的有張力, 動作也很到位,

語調一下大聲一下小聲, 吸引孩子, 真的好會帶動~

Teacher Mat用表演戲劇的方式, 和孩子互動, 學習英文~

第一堂課開始前, 小芭樂提早10分鐘到教室熟悉一下,

休息一下等待上課, Teacher Mat看到他, 也開始和他互動, 

非常懂得如何親近孩子, 給孩子暖身的老師~

每一個孩子都是非常有自信地唸出英文, 而且越念越大聲,

有些開始的時候很害羞講英文, 可是Teacher Mat說課程進行到中間,

孩子就開始會跟他慢慢互動, 說出幾句英文, 和Teacher Mat一起互動,

有些孩子可愛的比手畫腳, 但是在英文的小環境裡面, 大家都影響到那個氛圍, 會一起大聲說出來,


每一個都搶著舉手要表演, 小芭樂也不例外, 舉的手是最用力最高的那一個,

然後跟著老師, 好大聲地唸出英文~

有follow芭樂媽的朋友, 應該都知道小芭樂的學習模式非常不喜歡呆板的模式,

他喜歡在日常生活中、旅途中、遊戲中學習, 小芭樂這樣的學習模式,

芭樂媽觀察到他比起在對著課本學習的成效還大, 也更有興趣主動學習~






他太喜歡Teacher Mat了, 

也應該說這種英文戲劇課程太適合小芭樂了, 用動態的戲劇方式, 學習英文,


常常問芭樂媽, 甚麼時候要去上Teacher Mat的課?

在Helen O’Grady 英文戲劇課裡面,

小芭樂很享受在課程中, 跑啊! 跳啊! 翻滾啊! 爬行啊!

其實除了大動作, 也有緩緩伸展的柔美動作,

像是The cat miaw miaw miaw~

這周主題圍繞在cat, duck, dog,

將每一個動物表演出來, 音樂一下, 大家就跳起來了~

甚麼表情, 說甚麼英文台詞, 是要從哪裡跑到哪裡, 整堂課很專心的再聽老師的指令,

英文漸漸的越來越有自信大聲說出來, 勇於表現, 表達自己~

小芭樂的眼睛都是盯著老師看, 看看老師接下來要做甚麼動作,

雖然看似熱鬧的課, 但是Teacher Mat有他的一套方式,

讓孩子靜下來, 從高亢的情緒, 進入到緩慢的動作~



The little penguin can walk they cannot fly.

On the ice it swing and slide.

The aeroplane can fly.


Good! Big action! 或是Well don! 或是Good job! 或是Excellent!


I am little seed. What do I need.

Give water. Give me sun. Growing tall is fun fun fun!

大家一起表演小種子, 表演小種子慢慢長大,

慢慢升高變成大樹~ 超好玩的~

玩中學, 學中玩, 這樣學對英文的印象最深刻~


其實看起來好像在唱唱跳跳, 其實是非常有內容的~ 




可以大膽的跟老師對話, 和同伴一起表演~

這一次有翅膀道具, 孩子們盡情的表演, 盡情地說英文,

I cannot fly. The dog cannot fly. 

The penguine cannot fly. It walk walk walk.

The bird can fly. The aeroplane can fly.

整堂課在飛、在爬、在蹲著走, 一面表演, 一面學習英文~


也越來越融入英文上課的環境, 也開始大膽跟老師用英文說話了~


但是芭樂媽覺得膽量最重要, 敢開口最重要~

芭樂媽覺得這種英文戲劇課程, 不在於孩子多會說英文或是表演,

芭樂媽覺得能夠在每一堂課中學習到英文表達的勇氣與自信, 那就是最大的收穫,

小芭樂從小個性活潑, 精力旺盛, 身上像似裝了金頂電池一般, 有用不完的體力,

「Helen O’Grady 英語戲劇課程」正是提供一個正向的平台給孩子展現活力,

無論「動的」「靜的」孩子, 都可以透過戲劇的方式表達自己情感的~



 I have had a great time with this class today. I was so happy to see that everyone was brave today. Everyone at some point or another pushed themselves to do something challenging today. That is a fantastic achievement. From that achievement, we can see that their confidence had developed a great deal over the weeks they have been together in class. Teacher Matt and myself are very proud of them all as I am sure you are as well. Something I was also really pleased with was having a question from one of the parents. I was asked 'how can I keep my child engaged?' This is a fantastic question! As you can see, even is teachers often battle to keep the children engaged but how we manage to do it for most of an hour and a half lesson is trough imaginative play and story telling. I suggested that - just as we do in class - you could turn an everyday activity into a fun adventure. Perhaps you could try to give the activity a story, fit with characters, humorous voices,imaginative settings and games. Every child will see the world like a story with magic and extra colour. Simple things like eating dinner or doing homework are often adult activities and thus, there is no room for dragons or lava or magic castles; this is where the child will lose interest. We teachers have a very important rule in our lessons: 'make it fun' and that is when the child will be engaged and enjoy participating in class. I hope this advise is worthwhile. I am very thankful for the question. This is brilliant when you parents and we teachers communicate and come to conclusions together as a team. Thank you. It also gives us the teachers and you the parents a chance to assess the children's development and know the next steps for further improvement. I have had a wonderful time in class today. 

Today's class was packed full of energy. Everyone used their energy to form a brilliantly positive atmosphere. Because of this, we were able to fill the room with laughter and fun. My cheeks even hurt after class from smiling so much. I was very proud of everyone today for being brave and pushing their comfort zones to try new activities and challenging techniques. Benjamin demonstrated fantastic confidence all through the lesson today. Particularly in our story drama where he was very brave to share his ideas. Lyman and Ian were brilliant in class and I am so happy to see them even more confident than last week. Both of them were able to communicate better with me and they were fully focused through the whole lesson, always with a smile might I add. Ryan was also very very confident in class today and this helped him in our movement. He was able to use and express with his body with strength. I was also very thankful for the great example he set for our new students. Thank you class! 




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